
Luminaire quality is defined by component quality, professional assembly and correct application. All three parameters must be taken into account before settling with one or the other lighting solution.

Component quality

A professional manufacturer always accompanies their fixtures with myriad of technical information on the components it uses. Reservations about the fact that component details is a “trade secret” is generally not justifiable – the client rarely asks for specific component articles, but is merely interested in the component family parameters (mA, forward current, etc). This hardly poses any risk to a reputable manufacturer, since this information cannot help anyone copy their design. So, please, go ahead and ask the supplier as many questions as you like to test if the supplier truly knows what he is selling you.

Professional assembly

Correct assembly is an important milestone on the way to ensure longevity of the lamp. A popular example is the misleading labeling of Asian products as bad, and other regions as good - customers often take for granted that the Chinese products are of poor quality compared to as Europe or the United States. A lot of this has to do with assembly – sometimes even the finest components end up in a poorly assembled luminaire – the body of the fixture is poorly sealed, grounding is absent, etc. There are two ways of assessing quality of assembly – application of international quality standards and ordering a sample.

Correct application

Gaismas diožu tehnikā ir bieži gadījumi, kad nepareizi savienoti komponenti. Gaismeklis piebāzts ar lieliskiem komponentiem, lieliski montēts, bet funkcionēšanu gribētos labāku (nepietiekams gaismas līdzsvars, spilgtums un pārtraukumi darbībā). Tas saistīts ar to, ka izplatītājs (vai pats ražotājs) komponentu savākšanā ne vienmēr novērtē galaprodukta korektumu - tā kopējo tīro gaismas plūsmas daudzumu, tā izdalīšanos vidē, kā arī elektromagnētisko efektu blaknes pie plašiem pieslēgumiem. Lai aizsargātu sevi no tādām problēmām, vēlams sadarboties ar pieredzējušiem speciālistiem – cilvēkiem, kas jau realizējuši projektus ar līdzīgiem uzdevumiem un mērogiem. Ideālā gadījumā jābūt rakstiskām atsaucēm par to vai citu ražotāju, izplatītāju vai konkrēto projektu.
