
Welcome to our world – the realm of high-tech lighting.

Light is a multifaceted phenomenon: from a scientific point of view - the mystery (wave-particle duality of light in the frame of quantum theory), from a practical point of view – seemingly easy to understand (screw a bulb in and go). From our point of view – it’s an intellectual challenge. Dipping into the design and implementation of projects in the world of lighting, one unwittingly admires it’s multi-level nature - artistically detailed designs for decorative lighting, sound and energy-efficient lighting solutions for functional domain, elegantly designed new products.

I am sure - you will love this world, and you will be sharing our enthusiasm!

 Our projects

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Ventspils drawbridge


Shopping center Galleria Riga (Patollo)


Stadium lighting design

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Daugavpils Olympic Center


Kuldiga City Council


Store concept

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